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I love you & that's all I really know.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 @ 9:23 AM

Hmmm.. Being lost for quite some time again.. haha. Today was the 1st day of trials and it still seems okay. 7 more days to go. To all my friends. GOOD LUCK & ALL THE BEST!!! =D. Will be back after trials or somewhere during trials. Hahaa. Chao~

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 1:04 AM
Back Again

Okay. I'm back again. Sorry for leaving this blog dead for some time. I've been very very very busy for the past few weeks. And now everything is over. One of the most hectic events is the Perak State Band Marching Comepetition. And now its all over =D. It was the last time I step into the stadium and perform to all Perakians. And I can say that I really enjoy that night. Maybe all my friends are there or maybe she's there? hmmm.. Anyhow, we manage to get second place in the competition. For being in-active in this blog, I'm sure most of you knew the results much more earlier. Then yesterday was the AGM for band. At last, everything is over. I'm officially retire from the band. HAHA! And on friday is da AGM for prefects. After that, I'm retired from everything and can really start to study. Trials is just more or less 3 more weeks from now. Still haven't studied enough, I'll try my best to study as hard as possible. hahaha...
Feeling very complicated lately, being back in class that I've miss for 2 months seems very different. Guess I've just need to get use to it. And its already a week, that I last saw her. Been thinking bout her alot and I hope she's doing fine. And I really hope I've got the chance to see her again.
I think thats all for now. I will be keep updating this blog from day to day.

I've been missing you so so so much!
Hope that can meet you up anywhere on the streets.
Just a single look at you its enough.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 @ 3:04 AM


Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 5:26 AM
Few Days Back

Been very busy since last friday. As usual on friday, go to school but not going to class(what's the purpose of going school?). Been out from class everyday since monday for band practices. It used to be fun skipping classes for practice last time even we asked for practice so we can skip class. But thats not the same now, i wanted to skip band. For my opinion no offence to others yea, I don't think we can stand a chance in wining this year based on the performance that the band can perform right now. Then when home to had a short rest and then the night i was waiting for had come. PROM NIGHT!!! Dress up well and headed to Tower Reagency for it. It was not as fun as i thought in fact it is boring for me, not really sure bout other. Its a waste of money and time. After that ended went for drink and headed home.

And on sat, been in the school for band also. From 1noon till 6 evening. This is already consider a very short short practice d. And I still feel very very tired, mayb its because of the prom night on fri. The practice was fine, ntg bad happen. After that had an early dinner and went for the ballet concert held in the Banquet Hall. I also thought this ballet thingy would be interesting but it ended the same with the prim. Maybe I don really know what is ballet and din really know how to enjoy it. I was very happy because I saw her there, but it wasn't that happy after all. Maybe because I', thinking too much?? hmm??

On sunday(this is getting boring) went to Starwalk early in the morning. This year Starwalk is not as fun as last year's. I really enjoyed last year's Starwalk and not really much this year. This year I didn't get to walk with her. I try my best to catch up with her, I walked as fast as I could and finally i caught up. Saw her and I'm afraid to even just say a simply hi. She continues to walk and I continued with my frens. After that, went to jj. And I felt this is the 1st time i din really enjoy going to jj. Don know why... hmmm... I've no mood to post anymore.

Tell me how you feel..
Tell me the truth...
I really wanna know..

Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 5:06 AM

After 2 weeks of fun, now its time to go back to SCHOOL. Its kinda odd actually. Having fun for so so so many days and its like fanstasy. Sleep late at night, wake up late in the afternoon, no tuitions no worries, online 24/7 and hanging with frens EVERYDAY and i mean it.haha. And now its time to go back to the cruel and suffering reality and that is school. All my books is in a huge mess and will start to pack up tomoro, must fully enjoy the holidays and it is because the next holiday is after SPM, there are also many holidays before that but the only holiday can enjoy and relax to the max is after spm. haha.

This morning attended my so called last leo function. I can say my last function as a club member of SMI. The function started at 11am and ended at around 3pm. It was quite a nice function compared to other function that I've attended before. The purpose of this function is actually a farewell function for the outgoings. The term 08/09 will end in 2weeks time. So this farewell is created. The theme for this function is Pirates. And i can say its a stupid theme. I don't have any outfit of pirates at home so i dressed normal for the function. And you what. When i reached there, almost everyone face was painted. The organiser said that everyone face must be painted if not we can't enter the hall. Fine, I stood outside for some time as SMI members don't wanna paint their face either. But as time goes, one by one they painted their own face. Even the best friend of mine Alvin painted it too. I have no choice but to paint also. Alvin helped me to paint and its like..... don know how to describe.haha. During the interval, I quickly rush to the toilet and wash the paint away. My face started to itch like nobody business. Some performance was showed and it comes to the end of the function.

After the function, I went to cut my hair. Tomoro is the 1st day of school am im sure that my 'beloved' head prefect will come and look for me. I think i made the wrong choice to be a prefect. Eventually will get very tensed up but its only 2 months away from getting my cert so have to bear with it. And next week I don' think i've got the chance to get in to the class. I'm very sure will have band practice everyday untill the competiitons ends. Have to work 500% harder than usual to get as least a 3rd placing in the finals.(If we manage to get into finals).If my band can get into the finals please please please please come to the stadium and support me abit ler make me happy abit.*syok sendiri* XD.

I think thats all for today. Nothing much left out.

I'm missing her so much!

Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 4:30 AM
Boring Day

Today I was home for the whole day. Came home after lunch with Alvin, Eugene, Jolin, Gary and Yiyin. Went to Wooley for lunch. Didn't manage to go for badminton this morning. Yesterday night Alvin and I went Barroom for a drink and there goes the morning. We cant wake up in time so we just go find them for lunch just to meet them up.

Before going to Barroom last night. We went for a movie "Blood The Last Vampire". This movie is not as interesting as i thought but its still a preferable movie. The girl in this movie is just somehow.. err.. attractive? haha. Nothing special bout this movie actually so i rate this movie a 3/5.
As everyone is talking all around. Trials is here, trials is just 3 months away. Okay fine. Trials is just 3 months from now and I still can go for a movie late night. Wonder how am I suppose to study well. Everyone is starting their study pace but not me. Maybe is still holidays? or is just that I don wanna study?? Somehow I think I'm pretty useless though. Nothing I do will go successfully. No matter in what. Haihh. Life have to go on. Continue with my happy go lucky life, and really hope it can bring me some luck.hahaha...

Signing off.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 @ 9:53 AM

Okay. I'm back. I know I let this blog dead for a long long long long time. And now is da time to bring it back to life. Stressful weeks had past. Mid-year exam had past and I think I did kinda badly for it.haha. Who cares, enjoy the holidays first. For now, I'm busy for band practicing. Practice almost everyday to prepare for th upcoming competition. I really have no confident in this competition, but I'm already in for the competition my as well try my best to train up the juniors and head for my LAST competition.. XD

Last week, I spend most of my days outside. Was out till very late
and i mean very late. Got scolding from mom lotsa times but don care dulu. Must enjoy the holidays to the MAX!! =D
Then on Thursday I went Penang to attend the Leo Forum. The Foru
m actually starts on Friday but I went one day earlier for SHOPPING!!! haha.Got this shirt from Topman. I spend 245bucks in just half an hour. I know I know its way too much but on year once ly lar.. haha. After spending that big amount, no mood to continue d. So went and visit my aunt at night. Then went home and rest for await for the Forum.
On Friday, went to B-Suite to meet up the rest. B-Suite is where we s
tayed for the 2days. And I have to complain the place here. The electricity went off like don know how many times. Ish. Hate it

Soon,Yee Jin, Stephen,Gary,Me and Wei Phun.
We stayed together for the 2days. And I can really say that, this is the most happening room in the whole Forum. We enjoy ourselves to the max. We had fun even though in the room(please don misund, we're all clean and there are 2 small boys there)

And here is some pics from the forum.
Thats way too many pics we took. Show some eunf lar. haha. The Forum ends on Sunday. They head to Queensbay Mall to have a short shopping, but Stephen, Gary and me headed home(IPOH). All 3 of us slept throuhgout the journey. Really miss the Forum lar. Hope can go again next time.

And now, I'm just lost. Thinking bout lotsa stuff. For those who know me. I bet you know what am I thinking. So life have to go on. Move with the flow. I think that all for now. Will update my blog.(Regine I'll never let my blog die.HAHAHA)

In His Own Words

Hey there!Adriann here.
I'm 17 and 15Dec is my DAY.
I am a very simple guy, not much secrets =).

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